I've been in Cork how long now??
And yet I've only been to... other places in Ireland. All within a couple hours drive from Cork City. Not that I haven't had a blast, I'm just ready to start in on all my EuroAdventures, which, as soon as they start, they just wont stop.

A brief outline (it's been so long since I've made a list!):
  • Dublin this weekend (I know it doesn't really count, but it's far enough away and big enough to sort of count). Includes: Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres with Fr. Leahy and a BC football game.
  • Italy 22 Oct - 27 Oct. Includes: Milan and Rome, at least, perhaps a few other cities on the way down. I hadn't really planned on going to Italy, but with the promise of a cheap flight over a long weekend, I just couldn't say no!
  • Germany/Belgium 5 Nov - 12 Nov. This is the biggest trip of my semester, I think. Includes: Berlin, Brussels & Bruges. We're flying into Berlin and then to Brussels the next day, spending the afternoon there and taking the train to Bruges (because, as we all know, it's a "f***ing fairytale land" and definitely worth seeing ;) ) then back to Berlin after a few days in time for the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall.
  • Liverpool 19 Nov -24 Nov. Includes: LIVERPOOL! I might throw in a short jaunt to Scotland.
And I think that will be the extent of my eurotrips for this semester, aside from my Christmas holiday in Aspiran. I'd like to perhaps go up to Belfast but maybe I'll save it for next semester. I've got to remember that I have to write a crapton this term AND that I have all of next semester to travel as well.

I'm excited
1 Response
  1. Mike Says:

    As you're in Euro, that would be a metric crapton.