So, in traditional Keavy style, a to-do list.
- At least 8 pages of history paper
- PULSE paper
- Fill out release forms for Galway
- translate the next few paragraphs of Peig
- make notecards for US History
- Spend some time outside enjoying the sunshine
- Upload all of those CDs to itunes
- Create a packing list: What goes home, what gets ditched, what gets sent to Ireland (?), what gets given away
- Laundry
In other news, I saw a guy almost get arrested last night from my perfect perch of a window. Apparently Brookline cabs aren't allowed to pick up passengers in Chestnut Hill? The cop who pulled him over (unmarked cop car, btw) kept saying "you are NOT a BOSTON CAB!" In the end the cabbie tried to push it off on the kids who hailed him ("You're the one who knows the law!") and was fined a hefty $500. I don't understand the law, and I've certainly ridden in Brookline cabs before... strange indeed.
There are 4 days of classes left. Yikes.
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